Stainless Steel Closed UV System

SS Closed UV System


THE WORLD'S MOST EFFICIENT UV SYSTEM FOR DRINKING WATER! ULTRAAQUA’s stainless steel (SS) closed reactor UV disinfection systems are built from high-grade AISI 316L steel and are suitable for most water disinfection applications. UV sensor and automatic mechanical cleaning systems are available. There are a range of model options covering a large variety of flows and doses plus a third party validated option. 

UV Disinfection of Water in Stainless Steel Reactor Vessel

  • Corrosion-resistant electropolished stainless steel AISI 316L construction
  • Electro-polished inside and outside
  • Simple installation, operation and maintenance
  • Improved energy efficiency for clear water due to internal reflection of UV light
  • Operating pressure up to 10 bar
  • No tools needed for regular maintenance
  • Available with standard or advanced controls
  • Large DIN/ANSI flanges for low head loss
  • Fully automatic cleaning system
  • UV monitoring AAC to ONORM, DVGW standards available
  • Ultratherm lamps for 16,000h guaranteed lifetime
  • All lamps made in Germany

Considerations When Choosing a Polypropylene or Stainless Steel UV System

UltraAqua UV systems based on polypropylene (PP) material are completely corrosion resistant. They can be used in all water salinities at temperatures up 80 ºC. However, please note that the UltraAqua range of stainless steel UV reactors are made of high grade AISI316L steel which has been passivated and electropolished internally as well as externally. Corrosion resistance is very high for these as well. As a rule of thumb choose polypropylene (PP) reactors if sea water temperatures exceed 25 ºC.