Real UV254 M Series Online

Real UV254 M Series Online





RealUVT Online Meter

The Real UV254 "M" Series provides continuous real-time UV254 analysis. With its by-pass style format it's ideal for most drinking water, ultra pure, and pressurised applications.

Real Tech UV254 Online Monitor

The Real UV254 "M" Series is a continuous UV254 (SAC or UVT) analyser, providing instantaneous organic monitoring.The Real UV254 "M" Series online monitor utilises patent pending Ortho-Beam technology to overcome the inherent problems associated with conventional online UV 254nm instrumentation. The Real UV254 "M" Series online monitor with the innovative Ortho-Beam technology is the world’s most technologically advanced, reliable and affordable real time UV254 online monitor.

Real UV254 "M" Series is an instrument designed to quickly and accurately test the UV percent transmittance (UVT) of any water sample. The UV percent transmittance is measured by the UV lights ability to penetrate through a water sample. The less amount of UV light that is able to transmit through the water the lower the percent transmittance, and vice versa.The effectiveness of a UV disinfection system is dependent on the UV dose that the UV disinfection system is able to deliver to the water. The UV dose can be determined primarily from the combined effects of the UV light intensity, the exposure time of the system and the UVT of the water

The Real UVT254 "M" Series analyser can be used in a number of situations when working with UV disinfection systems.

UV Percent Transmittance (UVT)

The Real UVT instruments are designed to quickly and accurately test the UV percent transmittance (UVT) of any water sample. The UV percent transmittance is measured by the UV lights ability to penetrate through a water sample. The less amount of UV light that is able to transmit through the water the lower the percent transmittance, and vice versa.


There are several areas of the water and waste water treatment industry that require the analysis of the quantity of dissolved organics present in the water. The UVA parameter is an effective measure of the quantity of dissolved organics in water due to the strong UV absorption properties of organic molecules at the UV 254nm wavelength. The UVA parameter can be used for many applications, such as UV disinfection, coagulation (GAC) filtration, water and waste water treatment plant efficiency and effectiveness, chlorination and other water and wastewater treatment processes.